Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Standing Still

I love my husband. Normally, he is the brake to my gas pedal. I'm the go go go, let's do this and this and adopt this child and go here and give this and live in wild abandon. He is the...slooowwwwww down one. He is the steady one. He is the constant one. Sometimes its frustrating, but in times like these I am so grateful for his guidance and opinion, because there are times where I get us into situations that are a little too crazy even for me. And I get nervous, and I doubt, and I wonder if we can really do this and if I've gotten in too deep. But I am able to look to him- and as always, he is my steady. He doesn't worry. He doesn't fret. His faith is so much bigger than mine I wonder why our roles are not switched.

Our court affidavits are sitting in my email inbox.




Once we sign those and send them in, they go to Uganda. And when they get to Uganda, they are filed. And when they are filed we have a court date. In short, we are traveling before Christmas to go to court! So soon. We knew it would be quick. We knew. Our adoption with the boys was 5 months start to finish. By the time we travel (for the first trip) it will be 4 months. By the time we travel to bring her home, it will have been 6 months.

And we have peace that the Lord is telling us to go and not to wait. But I'm still a mom and we still have a lot of money to raise, so while I know we are in the Lord's will- I am also panicking a little bit over the logistics and finances in it all.

I look to my husband. "Are we SURE this is the Lord? Have we prayed about it enough? Do  you feel absolute peace about moving so quickly? Are you worried about the money?! You're not even a little nervous?! " 

His reply..."I have peace, I'm not worried".

So calm, so sure that the Lord is going to do what we are asking of him. So sure that this is what the Lord is asking of us. It leaves me so thankful for his peace and certainty.

We are traveling BEFORE CHRISTMAS, friends. In 4-6 weeks, and we need your help, again. I know that we have already asked so much of you all. I know that so many of you have already given of your time, resources, money and prayers for Olive and us (in which we are so grateful!). We are asking you to come alongside us again and help us move this mountain out of the way. Many hands make light work.

The need: 

We need to have foreign fees paid, $14,400
and travel money for a quick trip to court and back, $5,500.

Total in 4 weeks: $19,900.


If we can use the amazing tool of social media to find 500 people to give $39 in the next four weeks, we can move this mountain in no time. I know that I alone have more than 500 people on my friends list.


SHARE this every single day with your friends and family. Share our adopttogether profile daily with your friends and family. Ask and plead with your community to donate.

GIVE $39. If you've already given, search your heart and ask the Lord if he would want you to give again. If you don't have $39, give what you can.

PRAY Believe with us that the Lord is going to provide. Pray that he stirs people's hearts to give and praise him because we know that he has already made a way for this to happen! He's going to do this.

We are a few weeks away! We believe that all of the money in the world belongs to the Lord and he will stir hearts to give according to his will for this.

Here is how you can donate, safely, fee free, and tax deductible:


Thank you, friends! For coming alongside us and helping us move this mountain!

“Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes.”
1 Sam. 12:16

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