Process wise, we are waiting. Here is a little timeline of how things happen and where we are:
DSS Homestudy Approval Letter (Typical wait time is 2 weeks)*this is what we are waiting on*
Apply to Immigration (4-12 weeks from start to finish)
Send Dossier (immediately after receiving immigration approval)
File for Court (2-4 weeks to receive a date)
While looking at this list it looks like we have a long road ahead of us, but our estimated travel date is still in February and once we get into the immigration stage things start moving!
We have applied to 4 grants, one of them replied already and are no longer receiving applications this year. So we have three currently waiting to be reviewed. We are in the process of applying with three more that are very lengthy/time consuming, but we almost have those completed. Total once we have them all in is 6. We are praying very hard over these as grants made our previous adoption possible. However, we are working hard to not put all of our hope and trust in the grants- but in the Lord! We know that all of this is his money and he designates it where he wants it to go! (With that said, if the Lord is telling you to give to someone or something, even if you think you don't have it or it doesn't make any sense, (in general, to anything! Not meaning just to us!) - do it! He works and accomplishes things through his people.
Also, here is a list of our current fundraisers. We have a few coming up that we are really excited about! I have also updated our thermometer :)
Saturday October 24th
Noonday Trunk Show
Beautiful handmade jewelry, bags, scarves and more made by real women in different countries. A friend of ours has a Noonday ambassador coming to host a trunk show for us at her home! We get 10% of sales, and we also get entered into a drawing to win $14,000 for our adoption. This will be a fun time! If you can't make it, you can still shop online and we still benefit!,2513,397.aspx
November 3rd-6th
Adoption Auction
We are gathering items now for our adoption auction! This is an online auction, it will be held on Facebook. We have many great things to bid on thanks to many generous friends and businesses! We are praying that this fundraiser brings in $2,000. If you have anything to donate we are constantly accepting items/services!
November 7th
Fall Craft Day
A sweet friend is hosting a fall craft day in her home. We will be making wood slice chalk boards, chalk board banners and practicing different lettering, breakfast munchies will be served! Cost is $25 and it includes your craft supplies, food and donation! Space is very limited, there are currently just 3 spots open for this day. If you want in, let me know!
Envelope Fundraiser
We are still trying to fill all of our envelopes! It is getting harder to fill them as the majority of smaller numbers are taken, but we are not discouraged! We know the Lord will provide. If you and your family would like to claim an envelope, you can let me know by email, comment, text, message etc. You are also able to make a tax deductible donation, ask me how! The numbers in black are numbers that still need claimed.
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