(The family that YouTubes together stays together, right?)
-Planting things. We started a garden this year and who knew that I actually enjoy taking care of it? We have zucchini, squash, cucumber, tomato, red peppers, mint, lettuce, sunflowers, cantaloupe and watermelon! We have crops, people.
-It's Spring and I love it- but it also means my babies all turn another year old starting in the Spring. By the time fall rolls around our line up will be 8,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1. Our house will be full of fun in ten years! At least this kid thinks so.
- Health and fitness. You knew this was coming. I run my third 5k this weekend- and I'm even dragging along my husband to run with (he's actually been training). For years becoming a runner had been a goal of mine- and now I'm on my third race. My last run time was 36 and my goal for this weekend is to come in under 35.
-Whole 30. My newest "focus" on this journey. While my eating has been pretty clean the entire time, I still eat dairy (yogurt) and grains (ezekiel bread & oatmeal/granola) and probably splurge more than I should. I've started the whole 30 challenge, 30 days of eating whole foods. Let me give you a quick rundown if you’ve never heard of The Whole30. It’s kind of like a 30 day nutritional reset. It’s designed to put an end to unhealthy cravings, restore a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract and balance your immune system. The Whole30 cuts all the unhealthy, hormone-unbalancing, gut-disrupting, inflammatory food groups for a full 30 days. In those 30 days, you’ll let your body heal and recover from those damaging foods. Some pretty powerful things happen in those 30 days! I will be posting meals/plans/photos etc occasionally on here about this. Here is a face before and after, 6 month difference:
- This chunk is a whopping 8 months old. Don't ask me where the last 8 months have gone, I have no idea. She has six teeth and two more making their way in. She started to sit up this past month, and is still not a fan of crawling or even standing. But she is a big fan of eating! All the food and milk. Biting all kinds of stuff. Jumping. Being held. Being worn. Growling. And of course smiling! Ps- she is not a fan of the beach! This is her third trip. I caught her in a good moment.
-Last year Adam and I stood back and reevaluated where we were on our walks with the Lord and what our vision was for our family and future. We finally decided to plant our roots in a church and the Lord has confirmed this decision over and over in the past few months as we have each grown tremendously, kids including! We do believe that it begins in the home first, but having our children learn so much in just a few hours each week surely helps fill in the gaps for us and makes them all the more excited to keep going back and getting into Gods word. We are overjoyed!
- It has taken me 5 days to complete this blog post! Five. Which is why my posts are few and far between these days, apparently seven children keep a mama busy!